• Nachtaufnahme vom Spa-Bereich im 6. Stock mit Holzverkleidung und goldenem Licht, reflektierendes blaues Licht des Außenpools

    Urban Hotel

    and Nature


Urban nature hotel

Welcome to the 
Post am See.

A lively house on the shores of Lake Traunsee in the centre of the Salzkammergut. Where the beautiful and the good are celebrated together.

Ready to explore and play?

Every visit to the Post am See is an invitation to rediscover your inner artist.
Try something new. To play more again.

Gemütlicher Eingangsbereich der Rezeption mit rotem Sitzbereich, kleinem Glastisch mit Äpfeln und großem rundem Fenster im Hintergrund
Seitenansicht des Hotels mit Balkonen und Logo an der Hauswand, im Hintergrund Berge und der Traunsee in der Ferne
Eingangsbereich des Hotels mit darüberliegenden Fenstern des Restaurants Beletage, durch grüne Zweige hindurch fotografiert
Außenansicht des neuen Zubaus "Freigeist" mit Zimmern und Balkonen, oberes Stockwerk mit Spabereich und Holzverkleidung vor blauem Himmel
Family & History
Gastgeberfamilie Gröller vor dem Hotel - Eltern und die beiden Töchter
Family & History

Your Hosts.

3 generations and 70 years of experience as hosts, connoisseurs, visionaries, and optimists. Inspired by the cultural and culinary heritage of the Traunsee region, an open view of the world and the courage to do things differently. We create places for people who are looking for peace and quiet, time out, new inspiration and clarity.

Nasenschild des Hotels mit einem Posthorn-Symbol, strahlend blauer Himmel und Sonne, im Hintergrund eine Kirche auf einem Hügel

700 years of history.

The foundation stone for the Post am See was laid by Benedictine nuns in 1327 when the Traunkirchen monastery was rebuilt after a fire. Initially a guest house for the accommodation and catering of workers not far from the monastery. Later an important post station on the way to the inner Salzkammergut, which coined the name Hotel Post. The hotel has been owned by the Gröller family since 1950 and is run by Monika and Wolfgang Gröller, the third generation of hosts.

Gröller Hospitality

The Gröller Hospitality Cosmos.

Fresh perspectives are not only provided by the Post am See, but also by the other establishments of the Gröller Hospitality. Stay overnight at the Post am See or at Das Traunsee. Discover the Poststube 1327, Belétage or the 4-toque restaurant Bootshaus as new food hotspots. Linger at lofty heights in the Kranabethhütte. Shopping with local colour in the Greisslerei. Enjoy fine catering in one of our historic locations.



Hospitality for future.

The environment is close to our hearts. For catering, this means uncompromising regionality. In our hotels, we focus on increasing efficiency and conserving resources. To this end, we utilise locally available resources. For example, the Traunsee water. To generate energy for our two hotels using a lake water heat pump.

Join the team! Join the team!

Fancy hospitality?

A career at Gröller Hospitality means working and learning at a leading company in the Salzkammergut. Join the team and apply now for one of our open positions.

open positions