• Gäste bei einer Breathwork-Session mit der Coachin vor einem offenen Fenster im Yogaraum

Rebirth: A Breathwork & Ice Bathing Retreat.

from Nadja Rauss

Die hektischen Tage in der Stadt, der ständige digitale Overload und das Gefühl, Dich selbst irgendwo zwischen Terminen und To-Do-Listen zu verlieren – kommt Dir das bekannt vor? Dann ist es an der Zeit für einen Reset. Ein bewusstes Innehalten, ein tiefes Durchatmen, ein Eintauchen in die Kraft der Natur und in Deine eigene innere Stärke.

A retreat that revitalises, clears and strengthens you.

From 8 to 11 March 2025, a unique retreat experience awaits you at the Hotel Post am See in Traunkirchen: Rebirth: A Breathwork & Ice Bathing Retreat. Four days that will lead you to greater resilience, clarity and energy through guided breathing journeys, ice bathing and mindfulness sessions. Nestled in the inspiring surroundings of Lake Traunsee, this retreat will not only calm your nervous system, but also revitalise your senses and refresh your mind.


Teilnehmerin bei einer Breathwork-Session liegt entspannt auf einer roten Yogamatte, während die Hände der Kursleiterin sanft auf ihrem Bauch ruhen.

Why Breathwork, Ice Bathing & Self-Care?

Because real change starts outside your comfort zone. Because it grounds you, revitalises you and releases new energy. Because cold, breath and mindfulness remind you of your inner strength.


  • Stress melts away. Tension is released with every breath. Breathwork calms the nervous system, clears the mind and creates space for deep relaxation.
  • Strength for body & mind. Ice bathing energises and gives you inner resilience. The combination of cold and conscious breathing activates your self-healing powers and lets you experience new mental strength.
  • Mindfulness & presence. Mindfulness begins in the here and now. Discover the magic of the present moment, find clarity and come into your own.
  • From winter to spring - a fresh start. Feel how nature awakens and with it your own new beginning. A reset for body and mind.
  • Deep connection with nature. Lake Traunsee becomes your element. Its water, its stillness, its power - a mirror for your inner journey.
  • A feeling of rebirth. Refreshed, renewed, full of lightness - this retreat is a new start to the upcoming spring.
  • This is for mindfulness lovers. Resilience seekers. Self-lovers. Inner mind adventurers.Curious people**.

For everyone who longs for a break. Want to feel themselves again. Want to reduce stress and strengthen resilience. Want to integrate ice bathing and breathwork into their routine. For anyone who is ready to have new experiences - inside and out. No previous experience necessary, just openness to the moment.


Fünf Personen in Hotel-Bademänteln und Badeschlapfen stehen auf einer Holzbank am Traunsee, alle haben bunter Wollmützen auf

The retreat programme in detail:

Day 1: Arrive & let go

  • Check-in & welcome with tea ceremony
  • First breathwork session to get you in the mood
  • Dinner & relaxing evening meditation

Day 2: Transformation through cold & breath

  • Morning meditation & gentle movements
  • First ice bath session with introduction
  • Mindful hike on Lake Traunsee
  • Individual spa time & honey massage
  • Journaling & reflective breathwork session
  • Dinner & meditation on "The power of the moment"

Day 3: Strengthening & inner clarity

  • Yoga & breathwork to start the day
  • Deepening the ice bathing practice
  • Spa time & individual reflection
  • Evening meditation "Loving Kindness"

Day 4: Integration & farewell

  • Sunrise breathwork by the lake
  • Final round with reflection
  • Breakfast & departure

Your mentors.

Hemma Marenzi
Your experienced breathwork and meditation trainer, aromatherapist and mentor for personal development and modern spirituality. With over 10 years of expertise in the field of holistic well-being, she helps individuals and companies achieve greater inner peace, resilience and self-connectedness. Hemma focuses on transformative experiences that work at cellular level and thus promote physical and mental balance.

With her empathic nature and holistic approach, Hemma creates loving, profound spaces in which participants can feel safe, let go and experience lasting transformation. She knows how to support people in integrating more well-being into their lives in the long term.

Michael Steininger has been practicing and coaching ice bathing for over seven years, combining his expertise as a medical fitness trainer, nutritionist and systemic coach. With ten years of experience in health coaching, he guides people safely and mindfully through the cold to promote both physical and mental strength. His approach combines deep knowledge with practical experience to help participants push their limits and experience the healing power of ice bathing. Under Michael's guidance, you will build a powerful connection between body and mind and unleash your inner strength.

Breathwork-Coachin bläst sanft den Rauch eines Räucherholzes aus
Mann im blauen Pullover mit kurzem Haar und Bart, dessen Gesicht von der Sonne beleuchtet wird.
Breathwork-Coachin bläst sanft den Rauch eines Räucherholzes aus
Frau mit blonden Haaren in beigem Pullover und grauen Hosen sitzt auf einem hellen Sofa, im Hintergrund eine Stehlampe.

Who is the retreat suitable for?

This retreat is aimed at anyone who:

  • Long for inner clarity, more energy and relaxation
  • Want to strengthen their resilience and consciously move out of their comfort zone
  • Want to get to know or deepen their knowledge of breathwork and ice bathing
  • Are looking for a conscious time-out with nature, exercise and culinary delights
  • Want to experience new things and find inspiration for everyday life

No previous experience necessary - just openness to the moment.

Ready to dive in?

This retreat is more than just a time-out - it's a journey to yourself. An invitation to recharge your batteries, revitalise yourself on all levels and start spring with fresh clarity.

Secure your place now and experience the transformative power of Breathwork & Ice Bathing.


Frau in beiger Kleidung schreibt in ein Notizbuch auf der Terrasse, umgeben von Natur. Im Hintergrund eine moderne Fensterfront, im Vordergrund grüne Äste.

Nadja Rauss

Als Quereinsteigerin im Gastgewerbe bringe ich einen reichen Erfahrungsschatz im Marketing mit, insbesondere im Bereich Brand Management und der Entwicklung ganzheitlicher Markenerlebnisse. Angetrieben von meiner kindlichen Neugier und dem Staunen über die Wunder der Welt lebe ich Werte wie Wertschätzung, Mut und Freundlichkeit – Qualitäten, die sowohl mein persönliches Leben als auch meine Arbeit bei der GRÖLLER Hospitality prägen.

 Frau mit kurzen Haaren sitzt auf einer Decke in der Wiese
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